Starfall It’s Fun to Read

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The Starfall It’s Fun to Read FREE app is made possible by the member supporters of, a publicly supported nonprofit. The activities at motivate through exploration, positive reinforcement, and play. For accessible content visit

After reading about artists and musicians, making a magician, reading poetry, laughing at tongue twisters, and solving riddles, your child will agree: It’s Fun to Read! With a basic understanding of letter-sound relationships, your child is ready to explore a variety of genres and topics that will expand reading vocabulary, comprehension, and world knowledge. The games and activities within demonstrate the joy of reading through rhyme, alliteration, spelling patterns, and word play.

The stories can be read aloud to model the qualities of fluent reading: intonation, expression, inflection and rate. Users can enable or disable the AutoRead feature. Speaker buttons are supplied for fluency when AutoRead is off.

The app includes:

*Art Gallery, Magic, Music, Poetry, Tongue Twisters, and Bird Riddles sections from the Starfall website.
*An AutoRead feature to model fluent reading, which can be disabled once your child is able to read independently.


Starfall Education Foundation
Jul 14, 2022
30.38 MB
Varies with device
Varies with device

The latest version of Starfall It's Fun to Read offers performance enhancements and minor bug fixes for a better user experience.
Have fun learning!

How to install Starfall It's Fun to Read?

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Option 2:

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