My Name Meaning

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Find out your Name Meaning today! You can also find out the Name Meanings for your favorite BFF’s and celebrities.

Take the name meaning test and show the results of the test with friends. Name meaning is a great app to play with your BFF’s and family. Works for both boys and girls.

Now you can share your name meanings just by clicking the share button. Name Meaning allows you to share with your friends and followers.

Looking for a name for a baby? Figure out what it means with this app! Works for both boys and girls.

What are you waiting for? Give our Name Meaning test a try and find out what does my name mean! Install the Name Meaning today and find out what your name means.

Please note this app has been developed only for entertainment purpose’s and has no intention to hurt the user feelings.

What does my name mean? Find out today with our Name Meaning app! We hope you love our app and find out what your name means. All feedback is welcome


KDR Games
Jun 24, 2022
18.68 MB

- MInor bug fixes

How to install My Name Meaning?

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To download the APK file directly from our site, tap the "APK Download" button above.

Option 2:

To install the My Name Meaning from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store, click the button above to download.