Mouse Cursor Touchpad

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Using the large mobile screen phone? Want to use a pointer from the edge or a small area?
Mouse cursor touchpad will help to use a large mobile screen with one hand by a cursor, pointer from the edge, or small area.

While using a tablet with a big screen or a smartphone with one hand, you can click or use a small area of the phone screen to use a mouse pointer.

Is your mobile screen damage?
This Mouse Cursor Touchpad app is useful when some area of your mobile screen is not working or damaged.

How to use Mouse Cursor for Android?

– Firstly, grant all the accessibility permission.
– Click on Start, You will get one hand operation mouse pointer on the corner.
– Use Mouse cursor for touch screen and shortcuts.

What's all included in Mouse Cursor for mobile Touch Screen app:

1. Touchpad Customize

– Change the size of the touchpad.
– Adjust the opacity of the Mouse Cursor Touchpad.
– Can enable navigation, show vertical button, and custom swipe button.
– Hide the touchpad when the phone is in landscape mode.
– Minimize the touchpad when keyboards open.
– Change the touchpad background color, minimize color, long press, swipe arrow, and more other backgrounds.
– Adjust the touchpad position.

2. Cursor Customize

– Select the mouse pointer from the collection.
– Change the size, speed, and long press duration.
– Change the color of a mouse pointer.

3. Minimize Customize

– Change the size and opacity of minimized touchpad.
– Change the color of the minimized touchpad.


Downcaa Studios
Sep 5, 2022
8.01 MB

How to install Mouse Cursor Touchpad?

Option 1:

To download the APK file directly from our site, tap the "APK Download" button above.

Option 2:

To install the Mouse Cursor Touchpad from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store, click the button above to download.