CUNYfirst MyInfo

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CUNYfirst MyInfo Mobile is a lookup tool primarily for students to quickly find key information for the new semester. Use it to find your latest class schedule, class textbooks, financial aid, academic calendar, campus map, and your biographical profile.

MyInfo is compatible with Android 4.1 and later.

Starting with Version 2.0, log in to MyInfo using your CUNY Login credentials.

Students and faculty are not required to obtain or use a Gmail account to use this application.

Faculty are reminded that, even if they get a Gmail account, they must use their CUNY email address for university business.


City University of New York
Feb 22, 2019
2.1 MB

Version 2.0

Version 2 uses the same CUNY Login credentials you use with other CUNY-wide applications such as Blackboard and CUNYfirst.

How to install CUNYfirst MyInfo?

Option 1:

To download the APK file directly from our site, tap the "APK Download" button above.

Option 2:

To install the CUNYfirst MyInfo from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store, click the button above to download.