JustPark Parking

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JustPark is the simple way to park & charge your vehicle.

Join our community of over 8 million UK drivers already using JustPark to get them closer to where they need to be. With our exclusive network of private and public parking spaces, you can guarantee your space before you leave the house. All through our award-winning app.

– Unlock access to tens of thousands of bookable driveways
– Choose from over a million parking spaces nationwide
– Book for anything from 10 minutes to a whole month

– Hundreds of EV chargers available to book in a flash
– No driveway, no problem. Switch to an EV with confidence thanks to our community charging network JustCharge

– Make parking stress a thing of the past with a guaranteed space
– Our handy app lets you update booking times, add new vehicles, save your receipts and rebook past spaces.
– Meeting running late? Match gone to extra time? Extend your stay with a tap of the app.
– Join our community of hosts today & use the app to manage your bookings

JustPark: Simplifying journeys so we can all breathe easier.


Oct 3, 2022
39.3 MB

Thanks for using the JustPark app.
This release brings a few more improvements behind the scenes to make your JustPark experience even easier.
If you experience any issues with this release, please let us know at [email protected]

How to install JustPark Parking?

Option 1:

To download the APK file directly from our site, tap the "APK Download" button above.

Option 2:

To install the JustPark Parking from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store, click the button above to download.