Fetch by The Dodo

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Fetch by The Dodo offers the most comprehensive pet insurance for cats and dogs. We cover treatment for more types of injuries and illnesses than anyone else, while also including what other providers charge extra for or don’t cover at all. Our one simple plan offers coverage for sick-visit exams, treatment for every adult tooth & gums, breed-specific issues and alternative & holistic care.

When you download the Fetch app, you’ll be able to:
– EASILY SCAN DOCUMENTS TO FILE CLAIMS FASTER: Take pictures of invoices and medical records with multiple pages and upload them as one file.
– VIEW YOUR FULL CLAIMS HISTORY: See the details of all current and closed claims, so you can keep tabs on your invoices, medical records and when any payments were sent.
– SEE EXACTLY HOW WE CALCULATE YOUR PAYOUT: For all approved claims, you can see a detailed breakdown of your payout (your Explanation of Benefits).
– TRACK YOUR DEDUCTIBLE PROGRESS: Your Explanation of Benefits also lets you track how much progress you’ve made toward your deductible.
– INTERACTIVE CHAT: Our chatbot is available 24/7 to answer your questions
– GET PAID BACK 5-10 DAYS FASTER: Sign up for direct deposit with your debit card. Payments are secure and there are no hidden fees.


Fetch Inc.
Aug 25, 2022
122.4 MB

Enahcements and bug fixes

How to install Fetch by The Dodo?

Option 1:

To download the APK file directly from our site, tap the "APK Download" button above.

Option 2:

To install the Fetch by The Dodo from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store, click the button above to download.