Feet to Meters Converter

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Feet to Meters Converter is a simple unit converter application used to convert from feet to meters and convert from meters to feet easily with high precision.

Convert feet to meters easily
Feet to Meters Converter will display the number of meters instantly as you type the number of feet.

Convert meters to feet easily
Feet to Meters Converter will display the number of feet instantly as you type the number of meters.

Feet to Meters Converter requires Android 5.0 or above.


Simple Mobile Apps & Games
Dec 11, 2022
2.48 MB

- Fixed some bugs
- Improved user interface
- Added decimal places option

How to install Feet to Meters Converter?

Option 1:

To download the APK file directly from our site, tap the "APK Download" button above.

Option 2:

To install the Feet to Meters Converter from the official Google Play Store or Apple App Store, click the button above to download.